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VTU Telecom Business

Bank are busy using our savings to run a telecom business, you recharge through bank, they make gain through your savings and the e-top you bought but at the end of the month bank will debit you for SMS charges alert.

Wake up and go digital. Technology has taken over the selling of Airtime, Data, Cable TV, PHCN bill etc.
Leverage on Technology & People.

Someone should be able to ask why banks left their core duty of financial services to selling airtime, data, cable TV?
That's because they realize they are commodities everyone can't do without. Statistics has shown that banks make more money from airtime sales daily than from their core banking services.

"Telecommunications business is a recession proof business." Recent report from NCC confirmed that.

Become a VTU Distributor/Agent and make Millions Like the Banks and Quick Tellers.

To become a Telecommunication agent/distributor,
Sign up here

Picture: My Dashboard with my ewallet. 

Let me ask you a question, “Where and how do you buy airtime for your phone?” Probably through recharge cards, through a website (quickteller) or maybe airtime top-up from your bank’s mobile platform.
I think buying through recharge cards is mostly used.

The simple fact is that if you are still buying recharge card, from your bank’s mobile platforms then you are sincerely losing money.

How You Are Losing Money Recharging from Banks.

Check this out, when you top up your phone airtime via bank account on ATM or any other means, your bank makes as low as 5% from your purchase and sadly you make 0% or even loose further from the SMS you received for topping up (SMS charges). If you multiply 5% commission made by banks from millions of bank customers nationwide from every VTU transaction you will be amazed by the amount you will come up with.

The truth is that you can do this VTU vending business without necessarily having any CERTIFICATE, COMPUTER, HUGE CAPITAL all u need is a VTU Website and your smartphone.


Information and Telecommunications Industry is bigger than banking and petroleum industries combined. Petroleum is a wasting asset. Solar and Hydro power mechanisms are alternatives to petroleum, but airtime, data and other byproducts of information technology have no alternatives and therefore they are price inelastic and have positive income elastic while petroleum products are highly price elastic and vulnerable to international political dynamics.

Information and Telecommunications Industry is worth multi trillions and Nigeria has the highest tele_density in Africa.
MY DEVICE NEEDS is the sickle with which you harvest your own portion

What You Should Know About The Company.

The Company is called MY DEVICE NEEDS . It is fully registered with Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria. Approved by NCC.

The company offers; Recharge card, Data , Bulk SMS, GOTV sub, Star time, DSTV, NEPA bills and other necessary bills at a very cheapest rates.

Each time you recharge your phone, either buying from your bank, or you even bought recharge card outside, have you ever wonder who gained from your recharge?

What about data? Am sure 70% of Nigerians use data everyday.

What about Gotv, DSTV and others? Can we avoid all this things in our daily life?

Then while not start making money from what you use, what people around you use and even people far away. Thank God, Facebook and other social media made it easy.

At least, I don't know you from anywhere, and we are talking now. Why not start buying you own card, data and data subscriptions yourself and still earn from all this...
MY DEVICE NEEDS makes it possible

Do u still recharge your phone 📱 and buy data through the bank?.... You are doing yourself not me and MY DEVICE NEEDS crew.

With only #1000, you will have your Virtual Top Up (VTU) account and start enjoying e-top up at 2% discount and subscribe your phone 📱 at cheapest rate.

 How It Works

Making money via VTU and Data subscriptions on all mobile Networks In Nigeria.

The name of the company is MY DEVICE NEEDS

VTU business is a business where you earn on every recharge you do.

The business has two aspects, 1) The VTU and 2) REFFERAL MARKETING aspects.

1. The VTU Part:

Virtual Top Up (VTU) facilitates
mobile phone-based prepaid airtime vending.

The VTU technology enables prepaid mobile phone users to purchase additional airtime, data, pay DSTV, GOTV, STARTIMES subscription.

It is simple, secure and convenient through the distribution of airtime value from registered members' cell phone to that of the customer, as opposed to through the use of a voucher (paper recharge).

These business generate income for registered member.

VTU business is actually a platform that gives you access to recharge your phone directly through VTU be it Mtn, Glo, Etisalat or airtel, same thing with data, Dstv, Gotv, Star times including WAEC, NECO, JAMB registration and NEPA Bills.

📌 You get paid When you recharge your phone using the platform as a registered member

📌 When you recharge for your
family and friends

📌 If you decide to use it as a means of selling card you get 2% commission on any phone recharge and 10% of data sold or used by you.

📌 You can also do all the cable tv subscriptions for people and make profit.

2. The referral marketing:

As people continue to join the business, you will get paid.

You can make up to N50, 000 monthly building a team of distributors in this business

But the sweetest part of the business is you can use what you earn to buy airtime, data and your subscription and still get paid
2%- for airtime and
10%- for data subscription.

You can also withdraw all your earnings to your bank account directly everyday meaning that the company pays on daily basis.

In our world today, almost everyone has a phone, use airtime, subscribe to data and when we do all that we don’t get paid.

This business has brought an end to all of that . if you recharge, subscribe and pay bills, you get paid.

If you are still a prospect do well and get on board today to save money and time

Benefits Breakdown 

1) Free registration
2) 1k Referral Bonus.
3) 2% discount on airtime purchase.
4) Cheaper Data bundle
5) Direct withdrawal into your bank account
6) Bulk sms @ #2 per page.
7) $1 interest on Bitcoin

How To Register 

1) Visit

2) Click on register and fill in the form; then  login

3)Click on FUND WALLET to activate your account.
Activation fee is #1000.


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